Eco Voice

Eco Voice


I love being part of Eco club, coming into school in the holidays is brilliant because we got to do the greenhouse and help with jobs that we can’t do in school time. We even got to run down the corridor, which we never do.



I loved the trip to the Tower of London because we got to explore and see what the flowers in bloom were like because we had some seeds given to us and we planted them in our school quad.



We nearly get free rein to do Eco daily. We are working on lots of projects, the Bottle greenhouse, Water feature, Tree planting and a love heart made from pebbles which has the weather cock standing on it.

I love spreading the word to keep our school and outside areas clean.


Year 5 pupils

We are talking about plastics in our Science lesson


Our Highlights……

Growing our own fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers which, we get to taste.

Collecting over 5,000 crisp packets ready for us to make a survival blanket for the homeless.

Getting others to join our team.

International Eco Schools- Distinction