
Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at Windsor Park Middle School

Careers is a fundamental part of our curriculum: preparing our students for the wider world and life beyond education.  It is a golden thread between all academic subjects and students approach the world of careers in varying ways.  For example, in English students explore different types of work through the texts they are studying whilst in RE we look at different religious figures and their job roles in society. We use Local Skills Improvement Plans and Labour Market Information to inform our programme, making it relevant and meaningful.


  • Careers Weeks
  • Workshops
  • Assemblies
  • Trips
  • Visits from Industry
  • Presentations from Companies and Employers
  • STEM Ambassador Engagement
  • Industry Links in the Curriculum
  • Careers as a golden thread throughout the subject spectrum – all teachers are careers teachers at WPMS.


Websites that might assist when considering careers:

  • CareersBox is a free online library of careers related film, news and information.  As the preferred digital new media partner to the Institute of Career Guidance, the largest careers body in the UK, Careersbox aim is to deliver the right information at the right time to careers advisers and job seekers. Our case study films show real people doing real jobs, giving viewers insight into careers across all sectors and helping them to find the right career.
  • LifeSkills , created with Barclays, is a free, curriculum-linked programme, developed with teachers to help improve the skills and employability of young people in the UK.
  • STEMNET (the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network) creates opportunities to inspire young people in STEM. They deliver three core programmes – STEM Ambassadors, STEM Clubs, STEM Schools Programmes.
  • was started in 1999 and has established itself as the definitive source of university and college open day information in the UK. We list open days for every UK higher education institution – both universities and colleges – and provide all of our information free of charge to users. 

The Careers Education Programme

Years 5 and 6: Students explore what they like, what they’re interested in and different job roles in different sectors. At this stage it is important for students to reflect on their personal qualities, skills and aspirations.

Year 7: Students continue to explore different job roles (often outside of their first thoughts) and are introduced to more unusual jobs. Links are made here to Local Skills Improvement Plans and Labour Market Information.

Year 8: Students take part in specific careers activities in lessons, e.g., writing a job application, and focus on what studying different subjects can mean for careers. Future choices and options are reflected on.

Please note: all students take part in our Careers Weeks events as well as a variety of visits, workshops, assemblies etc. throughout the year.

Naomi Baxter, Careers Consultant said: “It’s fantastic to work alongside Windsor Park with their strategic careers planning. They are working hard to meet the needs of all their pupils and support them in learning about their next, best step in their careers education journey. Recently, Windsor Park launched Future Skills Questionnaires to delve deeper into understanding pupils’ careers and skills interests and are using pupil voice to develop ongoing careers activities. Local Enterprise Advisers, from Engineering as well as Event Management sectors, have also supported Windsor Park’s Strategic Careers Plan offering industry insight and ideas to enhance the school’s excellent careers education. We look forward to continuing to work with Windsor Park and continue to support the wider school priorities. ”

How is our provision supported?

  • Access to a range of careers providers to deliver specific sessions and assemblies to the students.
  • Access to the Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire Careers Hub to share good practice and allow easy access to local businesses.
  • The Compass Plus tool to track against the Gatsby Benchmarks.
  • Regular contact with an Enterprise Co-ordinator and Enterprise Advisor from the Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire Career Hub.
  • Access to the most up to date Careers Lead training and accreditation.
  • A dedicated link governor who engages with regular training.

Careers in the Curriculum

We believe that every subject can offer unique insights into the world of work, which is why we’re dedicated to Careers Education as a golden thread across all subject areas. Our lessons are designed to showcase the exciting range of careers related to each subject and how they connect to real-world skills and opportunities. Relevant careers information is shared and explored with students within each department, and our teachers invite professionals to share their insights and experiences with our students.


At our school, we’re committed to continuously improving our CEIAG provision, which is why we regularly seek feedback from all stakeholders including students, staff, parents, and volunteers. We take all feedback seriously and use it to enhance our programmes for future year groups. We ensure that every activity is evaluated by both students and staff, and we seek feedback from parents and volunteers whenever appropriate. Our aim is to create a dynamic and responsive CEIAG provision that meets the needs and aspirations of all our students.

Jodie Bailey Deputy Head, Designated Safeguarding Lead

As a member of the Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire Careers hub, we are passionate about preparing our students for the next steps and choices in their education.

J Bailey, Deputy Head Teacher / Careers Lead