Netball – first fixture of the year

It was an absolute pleasure to take the girls to Denstone College to play in their first netball fixture of the year. There are more matches coming up so I look forward to seeing even more students involved in the game. Mrs White.

KS2 Football Tournament

It was a successful evening of football for the KS2 teams at the middle school tournament hosted by TAHS. There were a lot of games won, many proud teacher moments and excited faces. Thank you to the TAHS students who did a great job of refereeing the games, and to all the family members who […]

Careers Week

Years 5 and 8 discovered a ‘day in the life of a pilot’. As part of our DT curriculum, year 8 discovered ‘LEGO education.’ KS3 pupils had the opportunity to hear about the different skills needed for a career in politics, and on Friday, staff from the NHS showcased different roles within the service. Thank […]

KS2 Inter-house Netball competition

Tutbury were the overall winners of the KS2 Inter House Netball competition. Well done to everyone who took part.

Y6 Football County Cup

The year 6 boys came up against a very strong school from Trentham in the County Cup. Unfortunately they lost the game but showed a fantastic attitude and determination throughout in very wet and windy conditions. Well done boys!

