Inter-house Competitions

It’s been great to see so many students representing their House this week in the football and netball competitions. A big thank you to all the Team Managers and Sport Leaders for helping to make the event such a success. Congratulations to Alton for winning the football and to Chartley for winning the netball. Tutbury […]

Sports Leaders

The PE department are very excited to introduce our newly trained Sports Leaders.

Eco Club – Oct Half Term

During October Half Term the Eco club made survival blankets for the homeless using crisp packets which they had collected. They made a big blanket to wrap around you, two smaller sized blankets for dogs to use and the other to sit on. The students had a great time especially knowing the blankets will help […]

Windsor Park Open Evening – Tues 11 October 2022

We are delighted to be able to invite you to attend our Open Evening on Tuesday 11 October 2022, from 4pm – 7 pm. Tour the school’s facilities, meet the Headteacher, our staff and students, sample food prepared in our DT kitchen and take part in science experiments. We can’t wait to show you our […]

MiniMe Mindfulness

MiniMe Mindfulness® visited school to work with all of Year 5 & 6 students.  This was a full day which allowed all students to learn about their minds and how to use their internal superpowers to help them remain calm when the world feels overwhelming. The sessions focussed on building the students’ self-esteem, confidence and […]

